The Versatile Blogger Award (cheats version)

In an email conversation with another blogger recently I described myself as writing with multiple personalities. Perhaps that counts as ‘versatile’? I was hesitant to complete this mission as many of the wonderful bloggers I enjoy reading have been nominated recently. That said multiple nominations are enjoyable as I found out when I received my second. Thank you Phoenix and Mel for your lovely words describing my blog, they were very much appreciated. I enjoy writing and reading, reading and writing so am deeply humbled and grateful that people enjoy my words.

Obeying the rules… Seven things you may not know about me:

1. I adore Sufi poetry
2. I am deaf in one ear
3. I never finished secondary school
4. Despite number 3, I have degrees in psychology, anthropology and religious studies
5. My taste in music is ridiculously eclectic
6. My son no longer calls me Mum instead he calls me ‘miniature’
7. I am in love with The Doctor, yes I mean Dr. Who.

Not obeying the rules… I’ve decided, as this award is about links and blog traffic as much as nomination, that rather than ‘nominate’ I will appreciate (if your not on my list please don’t be offended because if I am following you I am reading you and loving it!). Here are some of my favourite reads:

Liberate One: Diverse, intelligent, wise. Writes sincerely about D/s relationship dynamics, politics, he is well read and puts his opinion across clearly. Oh and there is the occasional erotic tale… This blog drew me into WordPress where I lurked as a silent reader until I couldn’t help it anymore and took the plunge!

 Mr. Modigliani’s Private Studio: The words, musings, poems of a sumptuous artist about life, art and the all-important muse. Beautiful, painful, erotic… its all there and well worth immersing in.

Wuji Seshat Nibada: Sublime poetry. His writing has the heart of an eastern mystic he weaves words like magic, always surprising and beautiful. I am often left speechless.

Must Be This Tall To Ride: Fun, cheeky, honest, a man on a mission to become a better man. Sharing the very real and hard hitting, the small and insignificant, the big questions and the desire to grow and be a good human and parent. He also has excellent taste in music. I think he might actually be a Superhero.

A Faded Romantic’s Notebook: Romantic, touching, sensual, erotic, delicious poems… sigh.

Serendipity/Ink on Skin: An incredible writing talent, dark and alluring, a painful journey through love, loss and life.

dievca: BDSM in elegant style! Diveca finds the most wonderful fashions and accessories to share and writes beautifully about her and Master. If I ever could have a stylist I would be knocking on dievca’s door.

‘Tis Personal: Very real, totally honest reflections on experiences about D/s marriage, life…. I am very much enjoying getting to know this gorgeous lady.

Sea of Desire: Sensual, feisty erotica… just beginning to get to know this one but loving it so far.

Pushingourlimits: Fantastic erotica, with real emotion and flavour. Rich characters that you feel you begin to know and love. Love hearing her real life experiences, her growth, frustration and triumphs. I am excited to spend more time reading and sharing ideas with this remarkable lady.

Rouged Mount: erotic poems, plain old dirty talking, very real musings on very real topics, personal and a pleasure to read whether it’s happy, sad, horny, angst ridden or super sexy. Honesty is always a pleasure.

The Mirror Obscura: Delightfully soulful poetry, multiple layers of gorgeousness, the man has a prolific and verdant way with words.

The Salacious Musings of Eros : A chocolate box of delicious images, waxing lyrical, poetry, quotes… always different and delightful.

Cliterary Review : the creative outlet of a highly sexual being, naughty stories and delightfully deviant imaginings…

Faraway Angel: Wonderful erotic stories and poetry of various lengths, sometimes there are collaborations. Warning her stories are well written and highly addictive…

Poetic Passions: Sensual and erotic poetry, varied and enticing. Just getting to know this blog and am enjoying the ride.

nerd on the bridge – a literary paradox: Another new one for me but here my multiple personalities and secret nerd are deeply happy. The operations manual is helpful for navigation – it’s a time warp in there watch out!

Diary Incarnate: Beautiful writing from a soulful woman. Sensuous and delicious. Another blog I am enjoying getting to know.

13 comments on “The Versatile Blogger Award (cheats version)

  1. mel says:

    Your compliments are so touching. Thank you for lifting me up! It’s so good to be read! ❤

  2. dievca says:

    Thank you for mentioning me in such a lovely manner — to use one the Faded Romantics phrases, “you are very kind”. 🙂

  3. rougedmount says:

    thank you for not only the kind words, but bringing some of these other writers to my attention , whom i had not known about until now!

  4. cjriordan says:

    Thank you for the comment! I am so glad you enjoy my dirty little tales. And now, thanks to your fabulous post, I will be happily clicking over and over again. Make of that last comment whatever you will. 😉

    Actually I love posts like these. They introduce me to so many new and wonderful blogs. It is like opening a box of chocolates and trying to decide which one to sink my teeth into first!

  5. jayne says:

    I do like how you put your own spin on your award. I LOVE finding blogs this way, especially because I love the way you write. Thank you for your words. It’s always a pleasure of many kinds to find a collection of intelligent, varied, expressive writings like yours. xo, Jayne

  6. 'Tis says:

    Thank you so much. I am glad we found each other in the blogiverse. xoxo

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